Lyme Disease

Click the video below to see how we address Lyme Disease.

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What is Lyme Disease?

Often called the “Great Imitator” lyme disease symptoms can range widely but can be quite debilitating. Commonly thought of to be rare, new research will suggest that up to 14% of the population in world is affected by lyme disease. From fatigue to brain fog to pain, symptoms can even present as “MS- like” or even “Parkinson’s like”- hence the name the Great Imitator moniker. Notoriously difficult to test, it makes the condition vastly underdiagnosed. And although looked at as just a tick borne bacterial infection, antibiotic use can make things much worse- depending on the surrounding circumstances. And even if antibiotics are helpful, they still don’t get to the underlying causation.


The complexity of solving lyme is that, even though on face value it would seem like it would be straight forward as killing an infection, it is actually a multi-factorial combination of problems that need to be solved in the correct order and sometimes at the same time. So lets pull some of them apart fairly quickly here: Part of the reason that it is hard to test for and kill the infection, is because Lyme is what is called a Cell Wall Deficient or L-Form bacteria. It means that its cell wall is different which makes it hard to test for, and hard for chemicals like antibiotics to target. But first things first, the infection has to be found and eliminated. Aside from getting rid of the infection, you are tasked with handling the unique pattern of neurotoxins that Lyme will generate and how they will affect the individual person. Specific genetics do play a major role here, as about 24% of the population carrying specific genetics that will leave them unable to detoxify those neurotoxins on their own. Now these toxins create a cascade of both inflammatory and neurohormonal changes that, if they are no specifically handled, general healthy habits that people will apply will not be enough to push someone over the tipping point. Now when we say Neurohormones, we aren’t talking about gender hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or those, but other hormones that control brain, immune and hormonal function. Depending on the type of inflammation, it can cause all kinds of other collateral problems from autoimmune diseases, thyroid dysfunctions, neurological disorders, sleep disorders… and the list goes on and on. Last but not least you also need to make sure that the mitochondria, the part of your cells that are designed to make energy, are working properly and efficiently. Now typically under the surface, there is some mitochondrial dysfunction that typically relates back to a state of dehydration or hypoxia (meaning low oxygen). There can be different presentations for this, but if this pattern is not identified and resolved, there will be a cap on how well someone with these problems can get.


So hopefully now by going over all the things that can be problems, it becomes obvious that we need a combination of testing in order to get a clear picture on what the exact presentation of the disease is in each specific patient. Some of the testing that will be done will be looking at inflammation, hormones to get quantified numbers- what levels are in your blood (compared to what they need to be) but then we also need testing that will look at the energy levels of the system to make sure that the person has enough healing capacity to get better, and nothing standing in their way as a roadblock of what would improve them.


Using a combination of the proper testing to get us the exact pattern of disease, then along with the right combination of technology, resolutions of these problems and the ability to keep it gone are completely possible. Notably, some technology needs to have the ability to kill infections, some technology has the ability to quickly and efficiently lower inflammation, some has the capability of allowing the system to balance the hormones, some has the ability to increase the energy production by fixing the mitochondrial issues… unfortunately there is not one piece of technology that can do all of this by itself, but combining the right things at the right time can lead to game changing results.

your questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s Unique About Superior Health Solutions?

Superior Health Solutions is a facility designed to care for chronic & complicated health challenges using all natural, non-invasive methods.

We do this by combining the most up to date research on the most difficult to solve problems, combined with multiple different advanced biotechnologies literally designed to increase the healing process.

While we do work with you on how to make simple, but impactful lifestyle changes like diet and vitamins that is not all that we do.

You won’t be leaving out of here with a shopping bag full of vitamins and the world’s most strict diet plan and told to come back in a few months to see how you did with it.

Who is Superior Health Solutions right for?

If you have one of the one of the conditions listed on the site, and you are ready to make a change to regain your health and do what it takes to have that happen, then a conversation to see what is possible is in order.

This needs to be a collaborative approach between both sides. This is right for someone who is willing to invest in their health to take back control of what you have lost. We are typically not the first office that people come to, we are typically the doctors of last resort.

I have sat with so many people, some with incredibly significant problems, but the people that start working with us are usually moved at being at rock bottom. Now I hope you are not there.

But people who usually enter our world are tired, frustrated, tried almost everything and motivated to do something different.

If you need a big sales pitch or convincing that this health problem is important enough to deal with, then I’m not the guy for you.

I’m here to give you the information that you need in order to make a good decision.
This is right for the person, who is tired of conventional medicine and not getting the results that they want and are looking for more innovative approaches to get results.

In order to accept you as a patient into care, we have to willingly not accept someone else. So you will have our 100% commitment to you and figuring this out, so we ask you for the same commitment.

What To Expect When You Come In?

We go through a multi-step process of evaluating your specific health challenge.

First, we will go through a detailed conversation with you to get all the information on what you are experiencing and where you want to go with your health.

We will also review any test results that have been run on you in the past, so please be sure to bring those with you.

Next, we are going to run tests on you that you have probably never seen before, Don’t worry, they aren’t painful.

But they are tests that most doctors miss that gives us the advantage to be able to pinpoint exactly what is going on with your body.

We don’t want to operate with only a fraction of the information, we want to operate with all the right data.

From there we will get you scheduled for a follow-up visit typically within a day or 2 and we are going to cover everything that we found.

Finally, based off all that information, we will develop and design a unique care plan for you. Finances will be discussed at this time, so please bring anyone involved in the decision making process.

How Much Does Care Cost?

To be fair, while I would love to give you a specific number, without knowing your specific health details I could either give you a number that is too high, or too low.

Since we custom our care based on what conditions and specific findings a patient presents with, we need to have that data first before we can give you an accurate answer.

But all of that will be discussed at length before a care plan is presented.
To give you an example, in traditional medicine care, for Multiple Sclerosis patients spend about
4 million dollars in care over their lifetime - which is astronomical - and they still end up being sick and progressing.

Our program for MS is a tiny fraction of that.

With that being said, we want you to be able to get the type of care that you deserve and the results that you want.

If we determine it’s a good fit, all costs of care will be spoken about before we move forward.

Because of the level of care, amount of care and time dedicated to each case that we spend, we will prepare a custom care plan and resolve the finances before any care begins.

We also have financing programs that work with a very high acceptance rate.

Do You Accept Insurance?

We would love it if insurance companies and all kinds of healthcare put their differences aside and focused on what really matters - you the patient and all worked together to help you get better.

Unfortunately that is not the case.

Any kind of care that is designed to prevent or improve your health is not considered medically necessary.

I know, I know that sounds crazy - but all traditional care follows medicare guidelines - which is why they only cover prescriptions and surgery.

If there was a treatment out there right now that was covered by your insurance companies, that your doctors could get paid for - They would have offered it you already.

The covered treatment that you most likely have already received isn’t going to get you different results than you are currently getting.

We had a very real choice:

Either offer what everyone else offered and get the same results that someone else pays for, or step outside of the insurance box and get the patients the results that they deserve even if they are responsible for the cost.

The patients that we work with are tired of what their insurance is willing to pay for because it keeps them stuck, frustrated and sick.

If what we offered was more of the same, what would be the point of us working together?

You would get the same outcome as you got before.

As an example, the thyroid patients that we see are still being treated the way it was designed originally in 1964- and there is nothing new coming for them.

You deserve better.

What Does Testing Look Like?

We would love it if insurance companies and all kinds of healthcare put their differences aside and focused on what really matters - you the patient and all worked together to help you get better.

Unfortunately that is not the case.

Any kind of care that is designed to prevent or improve your health is not considered medically necessary.

I know, I know that sounds crazy - but all traditional care follows medicare guidelines - which is why they only cover prescriptions and surgery.

If there was a treatment out there right now that was covered by your insurance companies, that your doctors could get paid for - They would have offered it you already.

The covered treatment that you most likely have already received isn’t going to get you different results than you are currently getting.

We had a very real choice:

Either offer what everyone else offered and get the same results that someone else pays for, or step outside of the insurance box and get the patients the results that they deserve even if they are responsible for the cost.

The patients that we work with are tired of what their insurance is willing to pay for because it keeps them stuck, frustrated and sick.

If what we offered was more of the same, what would be the point of us working together?

You would get the same outcome as you got before.

As an example, the thyroid patients that we see are still being treated the way it was designed originally in 1964- and there is nothing new coming for them.

You deserve better.

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